You are a Data Architect or Modeler who downloaded the Financial Industry Business Data Model or Your organization has licensed FIB-DM, and you want to understand the design and contents.
This education module is a hands-on exercise. You can follow the steps in PowerDesigner or your modeling tool.
- Example: FDIC Bank Call Report reference data
- We use five of the FIB Fundamental Supertypes to create a concept map.
- Transpose the concept map to a Data Model subject area
- Review the conceptual data model and compare it to the ontology graph

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Education module – Scoping our first data model from FIB-DM
- Education Module
Financial Industry Business Data Model (FIB-DM) An introduction course
into the ontology-derived Enterprise Data Model. Jurgen Ziemer Ontologist
& Data Architect at Jayzed Data Models Inc. Semantics for Data
Architects Scoping our first data model from FIB-DM - Data Architect
Audience and content a) You are a
Data Architect or Modeler who downloaded the Financial Industry Business
Data Model b) Your organization has licensed FIB-DM and you want to
understand the design and contents. • Example: FDIC Bank Call Report
reference data • We use five of the FIB Fundamental Supertypes to create a
concept map. • Transpose the concept map to a Data Model subject area •
Review the conceptual data model and compare to the ontology graph This
education module is a hands-on exercise. You can follow the steps in
PowerDesigner or your modeling tool. Data Architect - US Bank Call
Report. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is a regulator of US
Banks. One of the key reports required to be filed is the quarterly
Consolidated Report of Condition and Income, generally referred to as the
call report or RC report. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council (FFIEC) publishes the XBRL taxonomy and bank filings. You can view
and download Call Report submissions on the FFIEC website: - Data Architect
Call Report Schedule ENT – reference data The Entity Schedule, “ENT” has reference
data about the reporting Bank. For this exercise, our data requirements
are the Entity schedule data items, plus additional reference data about
the FDIC, already in the FIBO. The example below shows JPMorgan Chase
Bank, NA submission with call date, id, data item, value, definition, call
schedule, and line number. - Data Architect A
simple diagram of our sample data FDIC Certificate 628 identifies JPM Chase
as a registered bank. The Certificate is registered in the FDIC
Institution Directory. The FDIC registers the Certificate, and thus JPMC.
JPMC has the identity of JPMC NA, the legal entity. Note the distinction
of what JPMC is – a legal entity, and what JPMC does – taking deposits.
The Legal Entity has a registered address with the US as the country. JPMC
NA has a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). The corporation has $176 billion
issued capital. - Data Architect
15 Fundamental Business Concepts In
our second step we conceptualize our sample data items. That means to
assign fundamental business concepts and their specializations. The
fifteen concepts most are extensive ultimate supertypes in the Financial
Industry Business Data Model. In other words, they have the most subtypes
and most relationships. In the FIBO ontology, the fundamental fifteen
concepts are direct subclasses of the Thing. We use abbreviations and
icons as mnemonics to teach the concepts to modelers and business users. - Data Architect
Identifying Entities and Concepts We can use the modelling tool or the
Supertype spreadsheet to research Concept Entities. For example to find an
Entity for JPMC, the legal entity, we filter by the Fundamental Concept
Autonomous Agent and find the Stoch Corporation. - Data Architect
Creating the concept map diagram FIB-DM has an Entity called Legal Entity
Identifier, an exact match for the LEI in the sample. Reference (REF) is
the ultimate supertype of Legal Entity Identifier. Likewise, we have an
Entity named Country in FIB-DM. The country is a specialization of the
fundamental concept of Location(LOC). The FDIC Certificate Number is
another direct match. The FDIC Institution Directory is a business
Registry. The entity Registry belongs to the Arrangement (ARR) concept.
The LEI identifies a Legal Entity. In our example, JPMC NA, a Stock
Corporation, an entity in the FIB-DM. The stock corporation is a subtype
of the Autonomous Agent (AA). The concept comprises of Person, Legal
Person, Automated System, and Organization. The FDIC insures and regulates
financial institutions that take deposits. Depository Institution is an
entity in the data model, rolling up to the fundamental concept of the
Thing in Role (TIR). The TIR is what the Autonomous does. The FDIC is the
Registration Authority who issues the certificate number. The FDIC also
has an identity as an Autonomous Agent, but we don’t need that detail for
our scope. JPMC’s capital is a Monetary Amount. The entity holds the
number and more descriptive properties, such as the currency and date.
Following the supertype hierarchy we see that Monetary Amount is a
Reference. The address fields in our schedule are a Registered Address,
another subtype of Reference. The Reference functions like an associative
entity with a role, linking Country to the Autonomous Agent. - Data Architect
Our sample data as a concept map We
replace the circles in our sample data diagram with shapes of the
Fundamental Business Concepts. A concept map or conceptual diagram is a
diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. - Data Architect
Standardize concept map relations In a similar way, we standardize
relationships in our concept map. The data modeler suggests FIB- DM
associations names that match the related concepts and requirements.
Finally, we replace the sample values with identified FIB-DM entities.
Here is our Fundamental Business Concept map for the Call Report Entity
Schedule. - Data Architect
The FIB-DM Concept map • Easy to
understand for non- technical business users. • The methodology keeps the
concept-mapping within the vocabulary and structure of the underlying
model. We can see how the diagram expands. • The Monetary Amount has more
defining concepts; • JPMC is a Thing in many more Roles, so is the FDIC; •
we can add other Regulators to the picture, and so on. - From Concept Map
to Data Model • Populate a new diagram with the identified entities 1 •
Add supertypes all the way up to the Fundamental Concept 2 • Add
Associations and Associative entities 3 • Generate an LDM or export our
FIB- DM subject area model 4 - Create a new
diagram of the nine entities Legal
Entity Identifier Stock Corporation Monetary Amount Registered Address
Registry Registration Authority Country (lcc) Depository Institution FDIC
Certificate Number Open FIB-DM in your data modeling tool. The screenshots
and diagrams in this education module are PowerDesigner. Populate your
diagram with the nine entities of the concept map. These are existing
FIB-DM entities derived from FIBO classes. In practice, you may draw the
concept map and CDM in parallel. However you want to use the concept map
to validate the design with the business. - 2.1 Adding
Depository Institution supertypes to the diagram 2.1 Let’s start with the Depository
Institution. We use the data modeling tool to navigate to the Inheritance
(a.k.a. subtype symbol) and the supertype. 2.2 In PowerDesigner this is a
bit cumbersome: We pull up the entity properties dependencies tab; select
parents to find Financial Institution subtypes; pull up the inheritance
properties; find in browser; and copy the inheritance as link into the
diagram. Service Provider subtype Thing In Role subtype Financial Service
Provider subtype Financial Institution subtype Depository Institution
Financial Institution Financial Service Provider Thing In Role Service
Provider 2.3 We repeat the process until we arrive at the ultimate
supertype, our Fundamental Concept, the Thing in Role. The Depository
Institution is a Financial Institution, which is a Financial Service
Provider, with is a Service Provider, a direct subtype of the Thing.
Depository Institution Financial Institution subtype Depository
Institution Financial Institution Data Architect 2.3 Adding the
Registration Authority supertype Service Provider subtype Thing In Role
subtype Financial Service Provider subtype Financial Institution subtype
Depository Institution Registration Authority Financial Institution
Financial Service Provider Thing In Role Service Provider The Registration
Authority, our entity for the FDIC and other registrars is a Service
Provider, subtype of the Thing in Role (TIR). - 2.4 Stock
Corporation rolls up to the Autonomous Agent Legal Person subtype Autonomous Agent
subtype Legal Entity subtype Corporation subtype Stock Corporation Corporation
Legal Entity Autonomous Agent Legal Person The Stock Corporation, our
entity for JPMC’s Legal Entity, is a Legal Person, direct subtype of the
Autonomous Agent (AA). - 2.5 Country and
Registry Arrangement subtype
Collection subtypeGeopolitical Entity (lcc) subtype Location (lcc) subtype
Registry Location (lcc) Geopolitical Entity (lcc) <<Equivalent
Entity>> Collection <<Equivalent Entity>> Arrangement
Country (lcc) The country is a Geopolitical Entity, subtype of the
Fundamental Concept of Location (LOC). The Registry is a collection,
subtype of Arrangement (ARR). - 2.6 Reference
subtypes Registration Identifier
subtype Measure subtype Monetary Measure subtype Identifier subtype
Organization Identifier subtype Reference subtype Index subtype Address
subtype Physical Address subtype Legal Entity IdentifierMonetary Amount
Registered Address Address Physical Address FDIC Certificate Number Index
Reference Organization Identifier Identifier Monetary Measure Measure
Registration Identifier Reference (REF) is the largest Fundamental Concept
in FIB-DM and the FIBO. We see three major branches in the hierarchy. 1.
The Monetary Amount is a Measure. 2. The Registered Address is an Address,
which in turn is an index. 3. Legal Entity Identifier and the FDIC
Certificate Number are both Organization Identifiers - Our nine Entities
and their five Fundamental Concepts. Registration Identifier subtype Measure
subtype Monetary Measure subtype Identifier subtype Organization
Identifier subtype Arrangement subtype Collection subtype Service Provider
subtype Reference subtype Index subtypeLegal Person subtype Geopolitical
Entity (lcc) subtype Autonomous Agent subtype Location (lcc) subtype
Address subtype Thing In Role subtype Financial Service Provider subtype
Financial Institution subtype Physical Address subtype Legal Entity
subtype Corporation subtype Legal Entity IdentifierStock Corporation
Corporation Legal Entity Monetary Amount Registered Address Address
Physical Address Depository Institution FDIC Certificate NumberRegistryRegistration
Authority Financial Institution Financial Service Provider Thing In Role
Location (lcc)Autonomous Agent Geopolitical Entity (lcc) Legal Person
Index Reference Service Provider <<Equivalent Entity>>
Collection <<Equivalent Entity>> Arrangement Organization
Identifier Identifier Monetary Measure Measure Registration Identifier
Country (lcc) - 3.1 Adding
Associations and Associative Entities. Count of Relationships Business Concept
Association Ultimate Supertype AA AC AGR ARR CE COM DOC LC LOC OCC PRD REF
SVC TI TIR Grand Total fibo-fnd-rel-rel:has The next step is to connect
the entities adding the Association or Associative entity appropriate for
the business context. The Pivot table shows the 15 concepts and the number
of participating relationships. - 3.2 Finding the
right association has Issued
Capital Monetary AmountStock Corporation has Issued Capital Stock
Corporation Monetary Amount <<Associative Entity>> has Issued
Capital The preferred association connects our scoped concept hierarchies
at the leaf-level. In other words the green entities of the concept map.
We use the modeling tool or the Relationships spreadsheet to investigate
relationships of the Stock Corporation and find has Issued Capital. A
perfect match, the Associative entity has Issued Capital directly relates
to the Monetary Amount. - 3.2 Associating
the FDIC Certificate Number is
Registered By Registration Authority is Registered In Registry 0,n FDIC
Certificate Number is Registered In 0,n FDIC Certificate Number is
Registered By FDIC Certificate Number <<Associative Entity>>
is Registered By Registry is Registered In Registration Authority Another
easy match, the associative entity is Registered By has relationships to
FDIC Certificate Number and the Registration Authority. The Association is
Registered in directly connects the FDIC Certificate Number to the
Registry. - 3.3 Registered
Address has Address Physical Address
Physical Address subtype has Address subtype Organization has Address
Registered Address <<Associative Entity>> has Registered
Address <<Associative Entity>> has Address Physical Address
Organization The Registered Address has no matching relationship. So we
investigate the supertype Physical Address and find has Address. The
associative entity has a subtype has Registered Address. In other words,
the FIBO/FIB-DM relates the entities at the supertype level. The
associative entity has Address relates to the Organization. We pull in the
Organization entity. Note: Organization and Legal Entity are both subtype
of Autonomous Agent. An Organization may incorporate several Legal
Entities to facilitate its business. The association identifies the legal
entities of an organization. - 3.4 Registered
Address to Country Physical Address
has Country has Country Country Physical Address subtype Registered
Address Physical Address <<Associative Entity>> has Country
Country (lcc) The Associative Entity has Country does not have a
relationship to Address. Under the ontology Open World Assumption anything
can have a Country. For the Closed World relational model, we create the
relationship from has Country to Physical Address. - 3.5 The
identifies association completes the model FDIC Certificate Number identifies 0,n
Depository Institution is Identified By 0,n Organization is Identified By
0,n Legal Entity is Identified By 0,n Legal Entity Identifier identifies
1,1 Legal Entity Identifier identifies Legal Entity Organization
Depository InstitutionFDIC Certificate Number More than 350 base entities
in FIB-DM have an association link to identifies. The association is a
major design pattern relating the Fundamental Concepts. • The FDIC
Certificate Number identifies the Depository Institution. • The Legal
Entity Identifier identifies the Legal Entity. • The Organization is
identified by a Legal Entity. - 3.6ThecompleteCallReport
conceptualdatamodel - Discussion – do
I really need all these entities? The short answer is no. For a project
model it is perfectly fine to scope only the directly required green
entities. In practice the following Logical Modeling phase attributes the
model. The Logical Data Modeler looks at the full set of required data
items and places them as attributes of the entities. A simple rule: You
can remove any entity in the subtype hierarchy that does not have
attributes or relationships. The FIB-DM is a reference data model. For the
data modeler, the Financial Industry Business Data Model provides a rich
library of building blocks to accelerate the design process. - Sample Project
Logical Data Model Legal Entity
Identifier identifies Stock Corporation has Issued Capital(D) has Issued
Capital Monetary Amount Depository Institution is Identified By FDIC
Certificate Number identifies FDIC Certificate Number is Registered By
FDIC Certificate Number is Registered In is Registered In Registry is Registered
By Registration Authority has Country Country Stock Corporation is
Identified By Stock Corporation has Registered Address Registered Address
has Registered Address Registered Address has Countryidentifies Stock
Corporation Legal Name Cor_Legal Name Leg_Legal Name Transliterated Name
Name Leg_Legal Name2 Leg_Transliterated Name Leg_Name Leg_Leg_Name
For_Name Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters
Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters Variable
characters Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters
Monetary Amount Measurement Date Measurement Period In Months Amount Date
Integer Decimal <<AssociativeEntity>> has Issued Capital
Registered Address Address Line1 Address Line2 Address Line3 Address Line4
Postal Code Reg_Address Line1 Reg_Address Line2 Reg_Address Line3
Reg_Address Line4 Reg_Postal Code Variable characters Variable characters
Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters Variable
characters Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters
Variable characters <<AssociativeEntity>> has Registered
Address Depository Institution FDIC Certificate Number Tag Binary
<<AssociativeEntity>> is Registered By Registry Registry Name
Variable characters is Registered In Registration Authority
<<AssociativeEntity>> has Country Country (lcc) Remarks
Geo_Independent Geo_Remarks Geo_Independent2 Numeric Country Code French
Full Name English Short Name English Short Name In Capitals French Short
Name French Short Name In Capitals English Full Name Independent Variable
characters Boolean Variable characters Boolean Variable characters
Variable characters Variable characters Variable characters Variable
characters Variable characters Variable characters Boolean Legal Entity
Identifier Tag Binary - LDM
denomalization and simplifications In the sample diagram the Logical Data
Modeler scoped only the nine subtype entities identified in the concept
map. The relationships from associative entities have been moved down to
the subtype entity. E.g. the logical data modeler created a direct
relationship from Stock Corporation to has Registered Address. Next steps:
The modeler will review the associative entities and those that are not
many-to-many with direct relationships. For example, the Registered
Address has only one country; we can create a direct has Country
relationship from Country to Registered Address. The multiple associative
entity identifies can be resolved into direct relationships between Legal
Entity Identifier and Stock Corporation and FDIC Certificate Number and
Depository Institution. - Excursus: Scoping an operational ontology The 15 Fundamental Business Concepts apply to
both the Financial Industry Business Ontology and Data Model. We use the same
methodology to create the concept map. With the concept map we can easily scope
a subset of the FIBO to hold the regulatory reference data. The Call Report
presentation and the Semantic Compliance article on the Bank Ontology website
show the instance graph below. We recognize the very same design pattern as in
the sample data concept map