Configurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation (CODT)

Three new pages replace the outdated content on this page:

Semantics for Extra Large Banks

Ontology Data Model Transformation tutorial - frontpage
Ontology Data Model Transformation tutorial – frontpage

The first CODT POC online class is a deep dive into the Configurable Ontology to Data Model Transformation. Students Extract FIBO classes, Transform them into entities, and Load them into PowerDesigner. Metadata ETL!

CODT version 1.0 – Altantic

Atlantic CODT picture
Atlantic CODT

Introduces the latest version of the technology that created the FIBO Data Model.

CODT US Utility Patent

Provides an overview of the patent with links to the Specification, Claims, and publication on the US Patent and Trademark Office website.

An image of a patent stamp for US12038939 and the title.
CODT Patent stamp