Patent Questions & Answers

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This page answers common questions about the Configurable Ontology to Data Model Transformation (CODT) patent, the software, and licensing.
A short glossary expands on abbreviations used in Q&A.

MS Excel implementation

Why MS Excel?
  1. Everyone has MS Office, which makes it easy to try the transformation in a Proof of Concept (POC).
  2. The transformation involves complex string manipulation to create Logical Data Model names for Entities and Relationships according to the configuration settings.
    We use step-by-step intermediate cells with CONCAT() and other string functions.
  3. MS PowerQuery uses a simple 4GL language, “M,” to merge, filter, and manipulate Metadata Sets with an intuitive GUI.
How long does it take you to create a quarterly FIB-DM release from the FIBO?

Running SPARQL queries, refreshing the metadata sets, and importing them into SAP Powerdesigner takes a day.

What takes so long?

The PowerDesigner imports take most of the time (an hour for two thousand entities and two hours for their relationships).

Does CODT work on ETL tools and other Software Development platforms?

Yes, absolutely. CODT will be even more robust, automated, and faster on Datastage, Informatica, and other platforms.
Other embodiments may be server-side on UNIX using an ETL environment or a standalone program. (patent spec).

Will you offer other CODT implementations in the future?

No, my expertise is in ontologies and data modeling. You are the ETL experts.

Is it difficult to port CODT?

Migration is straightforward with the guidance of the patent specification and the full disclosure of all SPARQL queries, Metadata Sets, code, and orchestration in the MS Excel application.

USPTO patent grant

Does the patent claim FIB-DM?
The specification FIG 1 and the text show the FIBO Data Model

No, you can’t patent a data model. International copyright laws protect FIB-DM.
However, the US Patent protection includes products [= data models] made by a patented process. In other words, you must not use or sell the FIBO Data Model throughout the United States of America without a license. 35 U.S.C 154 (a)(2)

What is the effective date of the patent?

7 August 2019, the filing date of the Provisional Patent Application, US 62883767.

We are based in the EU. Does the patent affect us at all?

No. The rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no effect in a foreign country.

So why should a European Bank license CODT?
We could copy code and metadata sets from the detailed specification.
  1. The US patent prohibits using CODT-produced data models and their derived works within the United States.
    If you have US subsidiaries, future M&A, or collaboration with US FIs, patent attorneys in your LCD will advise you to license.
  2. Although the patent specification fully explains the transformation of ontology classes and properties, it is as of four years ago. Improvements and metadata sets have been added since.

Leveraging the software and training is faster, cheaper, and risk-free.

Evaluation workshop (Pilot, POC, or Trial)

Can you demo the product in a meeting?

Yes. I can show you how CODT transformed the latest FIBO release, Q2/2024, into FIB-DM.

Can we test CODT

Yes, we can do a 3-5 day workshop with the software installed on your PCs.

What will we do in the workshop?
  1. Preparation.
  2. Install CODT on your reference PC
  3. Ontology MDS. Run the SPARQL queries to extract the FIBO schema.
  4. Entity / Relationship MDS.
  5. Data Modeling Tool MDS
  6. Import into the data modeling tool (PowerDesigner)

This is the same as the CODT training for licensees

Who can request a workshop?

Existing FIB-DM licensees are preferred. You already have a license for the workshop’s outcome. The patent covers the IP, and your FI’s standard NDA covers the MS Excel workbooks.

We only have the Open-Source FIB-DM and are interested in the “Bundle” offer.

It is more complicated. You will need an evaluation version of the FIB-DM IPLA. Let’s discuss further.

Do we have to pay for the workshop? How much?

Yes. Standard offsite support rates apply.

Will the workshop/evaluation fee be deducted from the license price?

Yes, in full.


Can you share a PDF of the license agreement?

It is still in draft and under review with FIs LCD. Once revisions are done, a standard version will be available on the Jayzed Data Models webpage.

Does the license cover the patent?

Yes. The IPLA grants the right to use the patented IP throughout your organization. The only limitation is that you must not sell, offer for sale, or share CODT or products (= models) made with it.

Can we license the claimed IP without the Excel application?
We already have a transformation process (which may overlap with CODT).

No, only one bundle of IP, software, and FIB-DM exists.
Use the MS Excel workbooks as a sandbox and reference. Although the patent specification fully explains the transformation of ontology classes and properties, it is as of four years ago. Improvements and metadata sets have been added since.

Can we use CODT throughout the organization?

Yes. The IPLA is an enterprise license with unlimited users and installations. The permit is global, including your bank’s subsidiaries and future acquisitions.
However, as with the FIB-DM license, you must not distribute CODT-generated models or their Derived Works to third parties. (see the FIB-DM IPLA for details).

Does the license expire?

No, the CODT IPLA is perpetual.

Who can license CODT?

At present, we only offer CODT as an add-on to FIB-DM licensees.

Why can’t we have CODT without the FIBO Data Model?

Even with different configuration settings, the model you derive with CODT is still a (modified) copy of the FIB-DM. Hence, you generate copyrighted material.
Even when you no longer need the out-of-the-box FIB-DM PowerDesigner model, you can leverage the Education Resource (Diagrams, Articles, and PowerPoints).

Can Software and Consulting Companies license CODT.

Presently, licensing is only under the terms offered to FIs (which excludes distribution of the generated models to third parties). There is no reseller or developer license.

So, we can’t license CODT, produce, and sell our version of the FIB-DM [for half the price]?


How much does a license cost?

Prices are still indicative and under negotiation. The FIB-DM license for a mid-tier FI is currently $65k, and the CODT Add-On should be 50% of the model license = around $100k for the Bundle.

Does the license agreement include training and support

Yes. 5 days of training is free. You can contract additional support to transform your proprietary ontologies or migration advice.

Other questions

How can I ask a follow-up or different question?
  1. Please email me at with “Patent Question” in the header, and I will respond promptly.
  2. Request a demo with discussion.

Once several FIs ask about the same topic, I will add your question to this Q&A page.


CODTConfigurable Ontology to Data model Transformation
ETLExtract, Transform, and Load
EUEuropean Union
FIFinancial Institution
FIB-DMFinancial Industry Business Data Model
FIBOFinancial Industry Business Ontology
GAGeneral Availability
IPIntellectual Property
IPLAIntellectual Property License Agreement
LCDLegal and Compliance Department
MDSMeta Data Set
NDANon-Disclosure Agreement
PHOSITAA person having ordinary skill in the art
USPTO terminology, in this case, an ontologist, data modeler, and MS Excel power user.
POCProof of Concept
SCESemantic Center of Excellence
U.S.C.United States Code
The consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.
USPTOUnited States Patent and Trademark Office