1. Scope
Jayzed Data Models Inc. (“Jayzed”) has created, and currently owns, and operates multiple websites (hereunder referred to as “Jayzed Websites”). The websites allow you and other users, customers, licensees, and other interested parties to find information, research, and evaluate Jayzed products and services. The websites also include downloadable educational resources and materials created and published by Jayzed, such as text, images, diagrams, and reports.
2. Acceptance of Terms
Your use of Jayzed Websites is subject to these Terms of Use (TOU). Additional legal notices, licenses, or non-disclosure agreements may waive copyright restrictions under these TOUs.
3. Intellectual Property (IP) Rights
Intellectual property rights include patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and confidentiality rights. Jayzed IP comprises the Financial Industry Business Data Model (FIB-DM), the Configurable Ontology to Data model Transformation (CODT), and the “Semantic Compliance” trademark. You must not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Jayzed IP or Materials.
3.1 FIB-DM Open-Source, core
The Financial Industry Business Data Model (FIB-DM) core transforms a subset of an older Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) version. FIB-DM core is available for free download under the GNU General Public License (GPL-3.0), an Open Source Initiative® recommended copyleft license. The open-source license overwrites the above TOU restrictions. It allows you to use, copy, modify, and distribute FIB-DM core and your derived works as long as you include the EDMC, OMG, and Jayzed copyright and license notices on the data model packages. Copyleft means granting the same rights to the general public in all your derived works. In other words, you cannot make your FIB-DM works proprietary or sell it under a commercial license. FIB-DM core is for your technical evaluation and a blueprint for smaller financial service providers, academic research, and independent data architects. Please consult your Legal and Compliance Department (LCD) before using open-source IP in production.
3.2 FIB-DM full commercial version
The full model, transformed from the latest FIBO release, is for Jayzed customers with a commercial FIB-DM license. The Jayzed Intellectual Property License Agreement (IPLA) overrides TOU restrictions. As a commercial licensee with a maintenance contract, you can modify, translate, edit the Education Resources, and even remove images and diagrams as long as they remain within your organization.
3.3 CODT Ontology <-> Data Model Transformation
The Configurable Ontology to Data model Transformation is the technology that created FIB-DM from the FIBO. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued the CODT patent, US12038939. 35 US Code § 271(g) prohibits the import, sale, or use within the US of a product made by a process patented in the US. CODT is the “process,” and FIB-DM and all derived works are “products.”
4. Copyright
Jayzed Data Models has made substantial investments in its Intellectual Property. These materials are protected by IP laws worldwide, including copyright laws. Jayzed products and web content, including videos, diagrams, reports, articles, and presentations) may only be used under the TOU or as covered by an agreement between you and Jayzed, such as an Intelectual Property License Agreement, Non-disclosure Agreement, or Software License Agreement.
5. Data Model Resources
PowerPoint presentations, videos, articles, data model reports, and diagrams are educational resources (classroom materials) teaching the FIB-DM and CODT.
As an Open-Source licensee or website visitor, you should share a link – not copy Jayzed IP. You are welcome to make paper copies (print) of any Jayzed webpages and Education Resources. You may share downloadable content (PDF, PPT, and SVG files) with your colleagues in full. You must not edit downloads, change the file format, or copy into other software.
Commercial licensees with a maintenance contract have “permission to freely copy, translate, change, and utilize the data model resources and distribute them within the Licensee’s Organization.” (Jayzed IPLA 3.3)
5.1 Data Model Diagrams
Jayzed websites have Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) diagrams of the Financial Industry Business Data Model. Unless otherwise noted, these diagrams are from the Full Commercial version and are not open-source. You may download SVG diagrams and share the original files with your colleagues. You must not edit or create parts of a diagram. You must never remove the “stamp,” showing copyright and license information at the top left corner of a FIB-DM diagram.
Adding the Commercial version’s design (entities and their relationships) to your open-source FIB-DM or any other model is an IP violation and copyright infringement.
5.2 Release Reports – Data Dictionary
Jayzed publishes a quarterly data model report with the latest full commercial version every quarter. The report lists all packages (subject areas) and all entities with their Name, Codes, Definitions, and Stereotypes. The disclosure, available as MS Excel online and for download in PDF, provides transparency of the offer to users evaluating an upgrade. You may print the report and share the original PDF file with your colleagues.
You must not change the file format of the entity report or copy content into data modeling or any other software tools. For example, opening a PDF report with MS Word, saving the DOCX, or copying it from MS Word into other tools is an IP violation and copyright infringement.
5.3 Presentations
Jayzed websites contain selected education units and sales presentations as MS PowerPoints. You can download the PDF versions and share them with your colleagues. You can use individual slides with the Jayzed copyright notice at the bottom.
5.4 Articles
In-depth discussions of the FIB-DM and transformation process are available on the Jayzed website as technical articles. You are welcome to print the webpage or download the PDF. You can use excerpts from our articles, including images with proper citation (copyright, author, and link to the original).
Where Jayzed has posted an article on 3rd-party websites (Research Gate or LinkedIn), their TOU applies.
5.5 Videos
Jayzed websites share selected classroom lessons and promotional videos. The videos are embedded from the FIB-DM YouTube channel, and the YourTube TOU applies. This means you can download videos but must not edit them.
6. Waivers
Upon written request, Jayzed grants permissions, waiving restrictions to copy under these TOUs. For example:
- Prospective Customers evaluating the data model and discussing it with Jayzed usually have their Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in place. They can harvest Data Model Resources, including diagrams, for internal presentations.
- Commercial Licensees who customize and extend FIB-DM and want to present at conferences can share diagrams with FIB-DM entities if they don’t disclose substantial parts of the data model.
- Academic institutions are welcome to use the Open-Source version to teach data modeling and use copyrighted illustrations.
Please email your request to obtain a waiver.
7. Privacy and Data Protection
Some Jayzed Websites may require that you register with information, including personally identifiable information such as your name and email address (“Personal Data”). For example, the Download form on FIB-DM.com requires a valid email to send download links for the Open-Source data model. GDPR notice: Please review the Jayzed Data Models Privacy Policy before submitting the form.
8. No Warranty
Jayzed provides all materials on this website “as is” with all faults. Jayzed disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose. Presentations and pages are not an offer to sell – always request a quote. Your use of Jayzed websites is at your discretion and risk.